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Writer's pictureKayla Perla

Minimal Baby Items To Get You Started

Minimal baby items to get started and why I picked what I picked. As a minimalist in the making, finding out I was pregnant was exciting. I also wanted to go into my nursery planning in a way I hadn’t seen done before. I wanted to make sure that I was actually going to use everything that was given to me or that I bought. I didn’t want to be wasteful. Marketing is everywhere. When you find out you’re pregnant, or maybe before...the research begins! What type of stroller? What color rug? Where do we want the baby to go to school? Where do you want to give birth? They tell you you need everything!!! This was me. However, as I begin to read I realize that for every very good reason to do something, there’s also a very bad reason. There seems to be a lot of judgement out there too. From where you choose to give birth all the way down to what brand clothes you buy. I want to tell you. It doesn’t need to be this way. Let’s rise up, support each other in our decisions and encourage each other!! If you want all of the frills and fluff. DO IT! If you want a few items as possible. DO IT! There is no wrong way to start a family.

I want to share with you the baby items I found that I actually needed: Now, keep in mind I’m not expounding on each item. So you will still need to look into each item and see what you’d actually like. A place for the baby to sleep: There are three major categories here I’m going to touch on. -A crib -a portable sleeping devise like a pack n play, bassinet, etc. -a co-sleeper: such as a something that goes into the bed like a dot-a-tot, or something that attaches to the side of your bed. If you plan on co-sleeping. There’s not a need for a bed of any type just yet. I would grab a waterproof mattress cover or pad to put under the baby and save your mattress. There are the co-sleepers that attach to your bed as well as things you can put in your bed to keep the baby safe. If you plan to sleep with the baby on your chest, do it! You have to do what’s right for your family ? If you plan for the baby to sleep in it’s own designated area, then there’s a few options, a pack-n-play, a crib, or a bassinet. I also know people use swings or bouncers since they are more cuddly for the baby. I would grab 2-3 sheets that fit whichever option you go with. A place to put the baby during the day: A swing, bouncer, floor mat or boppy for starters is nice. A pack-n-play is also good. Of course there’s more options out there. What’s listed is what I started with and never needed anything else. Soft/newborn baby carrier: There are several types. You just want something you can snuggle your newborn in. A bonus if you can use it when they are bigger too. We loved the sully, and seven style. It is made from a long, soft material and snuggles nicely. You can use it up to about 35 pounds. Car seat: There’s a lot of options out there. Biggest decision is to get a “bucket” seat or one they can grow into. Bucket sets come out of the car, I personally find this easier because you don’t have to wake the baby when you go in anywhere. The seats they can grow into, don’t come out of the car...however you’ll have them for a very long time. Stroller: If you end up with a bucket seat, you’ll want to make sure your stroller is compatible so that you can take the baby out of the car and directly into the stroller without waking them. It's amazing to not have to interrupt a nap and still be able to run errands. Diapers: If you don’t care about the brand, let people buy what they want for you. If you want a certain brand, register for that brand. Pro tip, ask for giftcards instead of diapers. Why?

A-you don’t have to store them

B-you can buy the correct size diapers when you need them. No hassle with returns :) Yay!!! Wipes: Again, so many options. Don’t get too overwhelmed. Just buy a few to try. Also don’t worry about putting these on your registry unless you know the brand you want. Then people will get you a variety of them that you can try :)

PS. the diaper giftcard idea works for the wipes too.

Clothes: You’ll want some newborn and some 3 months since you won’t 100% for certain know the size of your baby until it’s born.

When you're buying or registering for clothes think about this. Newborns are cozy. While outfits are fun...they are not always practical. Onesies, sleepers and soft legging type pants are the most practical. Of course buy according to the season, so long or short sleeve. However, you may be happy to have a few "off season" onesies too in case you keep your house colder or you baby tends to be hot-natured.

Swaddles: If you plan to swaddle, 2-3 swaddles is plenty. You can reuse swaddles. Unless they poop or pee on them lol So you basically need one, but want back up incase of an emergency in the middle of the night. Food: To bottle feed or breastfeed? Bottled fed: -good amount of bottles..depending how often you want to wash bottles. -formula Breastfed: -nipple care -breast pump -a few bottles of you plan on feeding breast milk through a bottle. There are of course pros and cons for the mama and the baby to both choices. You just have to go with what will work for your family best! I personally chose to breastfeed and enjoyed it. There were negatives to it, but I wouldn't change our story ? Blankets/burp rags: Having a few of these is a good idea. You can always go back and get more of you decide you don’t have enough. So don’t worry too much as long as you have 2-3 of each item. We had to go back and get more burp rags because Philip spit up and spit I ended up needing extras but we used them all!! I ended up with about 8 when it was said and done.

Toys: At first, the baby won’t need much because they will sleep almost all of the time. So to get started, you don’t have to have toys. If you’re wanting to get something, Black and white toys/books are nice for them to look at. At the end of the day, you have to do what’s right for your family. Most everything is washable, so you don’t need a ton. You’ll be doing more laundry with a newborn then you do currently, so you can always throw what you run out of, into the wash :)

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