Why are the holidays so messy?
There seems to be these unspoken expectations, unspoken ideas and if they aren’t met....we get at each other’s throats.
High exceptions seem to pop up continuously about how the day should look, how it should feel, and how everyone should respond to what is going on.
Try adding in financial stress from gifts that may or may not even be used and you’ve got yourself a basket case. At least this rings true for me.
Now my question is....is all of the mess because we put our wants and desires above what the needs of others are?
Are we maybe just serving ourselves through holidays instead of trying to serving others?
No matter the reason or why, I think we put too much pressure on ourselves/loved ones which in-turn takes the joy out of Christmas (and other holidays too). Do we knowingly do this?! I don’t think we do. It just is what happens because our expectations are so high that it bleeds onto those around us.
So, let’s commit to enjoy the company of people that we love and love us. Let’s just be this Christmas season instead of hurrying around to make things just so.
I’m not perfect. I don’t have the answers nor do I want them... just wanted to share some of my thoughts I’ve been having incase it helps you too ?