Composting is often overcomplicated, checkout this simple way to start a compost pile today. When creating a hot compost pile, you just need 4 ingredients: Green material (nitrogen), Brown material (carbon), Water (moist, not soggy), and Air.
You want a 50/50 ratio of green and brown material. So if you put in a bucket of kitchen scrap, follow that up with a same-size bucket of brown material. Add in your water to make it moist (not soggy) and air ca be added by throwing in toilet paper tubes or wadding up paper and mixing it in. This combination will create an environment for good bacteria to breakdown your stuff into compost quickly.
Green materials include but are not limited to:
1-Kitchen scraps
2-Grass clippings (this is the fastest to get a hot compost)
3-Coffee grounds
4-Green yard waste
Brown materials include but are not limited to:
2-Cardboard (no tape or stickers)
4- Dried leaves
Glossy newspaper/cardboard
Non-plant-based materials such as meat and cheese
Where to create a compost pile:
You can create a compost pile in different environments, such as a compost bin or bucket.
If you create the compost pile on the ground it allows the worms to find the pile. Worms are an added bonus to composting and ca speed up the process of breaking down the pile.
Steps to create a compost pile:
1-Layer the materials: brown, green, brown, green and then begin to mix them.
2-Stir, stir, stir. When you think you’ve stirred your compost pile enough, go back and stir it just a little longer. You don’t want to leave the pile as layers, you want it mixed thoroughly.
3-When the pile is looking mixed, add the water. You don’t want a soggy pile, just a damp pile. 4-Make sure air is able to get into the pile. Air is very important because, without air the bad bacteria will take over your pile.
5-As time goes on, keep adding to the pile and mixing it together.
6-The pile will begin to get hot. 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
7-After a month of adding to the pile and stirring, you will notice that your pile is looking more like dirt. At this point, stop adding to the pile and stir it once a week until it looks like the composted material you set out to make.
Pro tip: Add in good composted soil to help kick start the good bacteria in your compost pile.
1-Target 50/50 green to brown material by volume
2-Keep supply of excess brown material on hand
3-Turn frequently
4-Monitor moisture
5-Keep pile on the ground
Keep it simple. Build the pile by doing a 50/50 volume of green and brown materials. Get out there and try it. It’s the best way to learn.
I enjoy composting most because it makes a use for my kitchen scraps and gives them purpose for the future.