Ever feel like you’re drowning in your own stuff? Or maybe you get home and decide you need to leave again because there is just stuff everywhere and it’s overwhelming to you?!
This was me.
I’ve learned something about myself. I use to stay on the move, away from my house because my stuff overwhelmed me. I would get home, get overwhelmed and leave the house once again to go do something. ANYTHING to get me away from my house. Away from my “problems”. I let my clutter get to my head and become bigger then it actually was.
To me, home should be a place of safety, a place of security, and a place to relax and be yourself. Honestly, my house didn’t feel like that for a long time. All I ever felt at my house was overwhelmed and anxious. As I began to clean out my house I was able to rest more. I’m able to be more comfortable in my own environment.
I finally feel like I have a safe place to relax in this world.
It's not perfect, my house isn’t where I want it. And that’s okay, it’s a process and I’m learning how to enjoy the process.
I want to spend more time playing, less time cleaning. More time enjoying these short years with my son, and less time worrying about the stuff in my house. This is just one of the ways I feel I can do this.
Does this mean decluttering will help everyone? No, it’s just a part of my story and my journey. I’m learning to be content with what God has for me and where He has me.
I created a declutter challenge, and I’ve been doing it over the past few weeks (and sharing it in my stories). It has inspired me to truly GET RID OF STUFF!! Stuff that’s just taking up space.
I have finally gotten rid of enough stuff that everything we have has a home. Today I realized I could actually just hangout with my kid because I didn’t have picking-up-housework to do. I was excited because while it’s a small goal met, it’s a goal met!! Life isn’t how I’d have it. It’s also not magazine worthy. For that I’m actually grateful. I’m realizing that it’s the ordinary parts of life that are the most fun and enjoyable :) . . What’s a goal you’ve recently met or are close to meeting?!
Ps. Click here to get access to my declutter challenge: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-34566191/documents/5e6282097c048G5xYDBq/Declutter%20Challenge.pdf