Unfortunately, not everyday is unicorns and rainbows....yesterday was a hard day.
My emotions were everywhere and Philip wasn't enjoying life either...he wasn't napping AT. ALL. and only wanted to eat every few minutes it seemed. (Looking back I know it was a growth spurt but in the moment I couldn't see past all of the feedings.)
This quote just happened to come up in a book I am reading and I loved it. It says "There is nothing good or bad, but thinking so makes it so." Quoted from Shakespeare.
This quote it really just hit home for me...I realized that our happiness isn't dependent on our circumstances but on our standing in who we are in Christ Jesus. Our attitude is a choice! So, I decided to change my attitude and chose JOY! Ya know what ended up happening--it was a pure miracle! My whole day became so much better. It was bearable again!
It's amazing how much what we believe about ourselves and life really do effect us spiritually, emotionally and physically. It's easy to slip into believing lies upon lies about ourselves and our surroundings--and not even realize it's effecting us. I know I've been struggling with that a lot this week.
While today was a better day....there were still moments I had to choose to have JOY! I had to choose to be GRATEFUL!
I'm so thankful for God's grace and that His mercies are new every morning. I'm thankful that He continues to work in my heart and grow me closer to Him.
I just wanted to share what I've been going through because I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with believing lies and having a negative attitude.
If there is anyone else out there that's having a hard day, week, or year. Please know that God is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. When the hard times come, know you're not alone on the journey, someone else has walked the same path you're one! Reach out to a friends for encouragement and don't let your circumstances dictate your emotions--choose JOY!
<3 Kayla