Today was a hard day.
Because If I’m honest....I’m selfish. I want what I want, when I want it and how I want it. Well guess what, my toddler wants the same thing. (Amazing what we have in common)
Today, mine and my son’s plan for the day didn’t aline and so the day took an extra dose of me surrendering my wants, desires and plans. Pressing the pause button to spend time with the one who needed me the most, my son.
I wear a lot of hats...most of those hats are replaceable. However, being a mama to Philip isn’t one of them.
I’m so grateful that I was able to change my attitude and perspective to enjoy the extra snuggles from my cuddly little boy this afternoon.
Bonus was that the extra snuggles turned his frown upside down too! ...amazing how that works.
Tomorrow is a fresh day with new mercies. Right now I’m just grateful for the grace God has given us for today.
I share this with hopes of encouraging anyone out there struggling with me.
If you’ve struggled with something similar to what I’ve described above...just know you’re not alone. You are seen, you are heard and you are loved. We are in this journey of motherhood together.